Saturday, March 26, 2011

Final Summary of The Financial Planner

I remember sitting in IST class that day in January, it was the beginning of the spring semester, and I was taking notes on  my laptop and I remember the feeling of shock and fear that ran through me as I heard Professor Rubin announce the first project of the semester, a one which required you to start an entirely new business venture at that. For years, I'd thought that I was almost incapable of coming up with a business venture that was good, I'd decided that I had no creativity. Yet, the key which sparked my creative side and my interest in the financial planner was the ability to really sit there, sit back and really think for a minute as to what is something that many people are in dire need of or something that me and my family could have used that people could easily relate to and see a need for. And so I came up with the financial planner, but the key with this entrepreneurial idea, as is the case with any entrepreneurial idea there MUST be a desire and passion from you for the idea that you are presenting. If that is not there, then you will not be able to push past adversity and hard times that you encounter with your idea.

Initially, once I found out that this is what I wanted to for my project I figured that aside from just the realm of the classroom, this was something which I could maybe take further than the scope of the IST 195 class, because of the usefulness that it could have to many families that may not be very fiscally responsible. Initially, I had started the project only looking at things from a very small scale, not having too much of an idea as to the details and specifics of what this financial planner would have. But what helped me through week by week  were two very important things: the lessons I learned in IST 195 class, and simple brainstorming as to what the general public has a dire need for. Through these things I learned to not only put myself in the shoes of an average or low class American family who may not have the best financial planning or standing, but to also in what ways would this device has been helpful to me and my family growing up.

So, as the weeks went on I went from basic ideas as to what I would like to implement into the financial planner to the nitty gritty specifics. From a simple idea of a planner mounted on the wall, the size of an Ipad, to looking to connect with major companies to set up payment plans, to voice recognition, automated alarms and touchscreen. I have made major revisions to my entrepreneurial idea as the semester has gone on. IST 195 class has helped a great deal in letting me know the importance and necessity for many of the class topics, such as networking, knowing the inner workings of Excel, Spreadsheet, Social Media, RFID's, computer's, etc. Not being the most tech-savvy person in the world, Professor Rubin opened my eyes to the significance of these programs along with several others. In essence, any start-up, or  even somewhat successful business would not be able to survive without implementing some if not all of these things into the workings of their company.

All in all, I had a wonderful experience with the project, considering that it opened my eyes to the fact that everybody is creative and innovative in their own ways. I very much appreciated this project, and it has just made my experience with this class that much more enjoyable. The students' blogs which I commented on were Joseph Turuseta, Andre Sadler and Sam Cass.

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